miercuri, 29 iulie 2009


My sweetest sin, my dirty God-
The pleasure of my pain
You be the heart, I'll be the blood
And be my pure cocaine

My bleeding angel, absynthe shot
Come closer, go away
I must admit, I love you not
But I want you now to stay.

Cyanide rush, I beg you let go
Lythium fills my lungs
I mean "yes" though I say "no"
When playing with our tongues

Kiss me again, hurt me so much
I'll let you have your way
Let me yearn then for your touch
Then come again and play

Taste me again,and again in anger
Leave me with no choice
Kiss me soft and choke me tender
And take away my voice

I scream with pleasure, never stop
Keep my pain awake
I see you smile as I give up
My all is yours to take

As light of day takes it all away
And you untie the noose
There are no words left to say -
Just a black rose and a briuse.

I show you the door,and to me you obey
You kiss my lips and bruise
But secretly... I wish for you to stay
And so you do, and then I softly say:

..."Never again untie the noose"...

joi, 16 iulie 2009

Perpetual Dream Theory - Now or Never

Nu imi pot aminti ultima oara cand am fost atat de impresionata de o melodie... ma defineste, ma alina, tine companie lacrimior si zambetelor mele. Adevarul este ca numai muzica poate face asa ceva, chiar si dintr-o persoana ca mine. Poate mai exista cineva, care ascultand-o, o va simti la fel de aproape precum o simt eu. Iar instinctul ma indeamna spre un act de egoism nenecesar, facandu-ma sa-mi doresc ca acea persoana sa nu existe...sa impart cu nimeni ceea ce simt. Insa, cu toate acestea, pentru ca devine incet-incet parte din mine, daca nu era deja, poate, chiar dinainte sa o ascult, pentru ca devine asemeni versurilor si randurilor imaginate si apoi scrise de mine, nu pot sa nu postez...

Now or never
Asculta mai multe audio Diverse

luni, 13 iulie 2009

the twist

nothing more, and nothing less
it's you i have
you i posess
i'm on my knees and i confess
guess what?
you missed your guess.

nothing else, and nothing more
and this right here
i can't ignore
you had three guesses
now you've lost
i eat a pie
without a crust

again i slip, again i fall
again i weep
again i crawl
as i struggle to keep living
it's just the end
of the begining

and i regret, and i forget
what was before
the safest bet
and for the "it" i did not get
i'll have to pay
for the day we met

and i want what i don't need
i need not
what for i plead
again i wait, again i bleed
you take your leave
i take the lead

we do the twist, and you are mine
although you're dead
i do not mind
you are the killer, you're the crime
a twist of lemon
with a twist of lime

for twisted we are, and so we will be
you are more twisted,
more twisted than me
a minute too late, you set me free
i drove you blind
why can't you see?

sweet release and sweet remorse
i keep dancing
with your corpse
i use my strength, i use my force
i won't get beter
so i get worse


I plead my case, you rest my plead
It's you I want, but I don't need
It's you I'll have, without a doubt,
It's you I'll chew and then spit out

It's me you'll love, it's you I'll crush
It's from your bed I'll leave in rush
For me you'll cry and beg once more
I'll be the whore that you'll adore

You'll want my heart, my soul, my all
I'll be around to watch your fall
I'll give you hell and sweetest pain
I'll die in glory, you'll die in shame

You'll miss my kiss, my skin, my lips
From where you'll be, in your abyss
You'll miss my touch, my words, my voice,
You knew the game, you had a choice

Blue pill or red, it's one or the other
You took the risk and so became my lover
You were my toy, and though it was fun
It's time I'd end what you've begun

(And to your head I point my gun)


I'll love you so much, I'll hate you even more
I'll be your wife, as i'll always be your whore
I'll be your assasin, the one that you'll adore
I'll shake your grounds, you'll shake my core

You'll be my priest, to you I'll confess and pray
Though I'll be on my knees, to me you will obey
You'll love the way I fold, but most the way I play
Still you won't ever listen to a single word I'll say

You'd sooner die then listen to me when I talk
Except for those dirty words I say when we fuck
I'll never care to share, your dreams I'll only mock
You'll run out of gas as I'll run out of luck

You'll never admit you need me by your side
You'll do anything for just once to see me cry
I know you'll cheat and mostly that you'll lie
(Don't bother, honey, so will I)

But the truth will always be there so all can see
We're so perfect for each other, you and me
Designed by God and raised by the Devil we'll be
Though chained together, we couldn't be more free


Perverted thaughts and celtic knots
The thaught of you inside me rots
So does your body on my floor
I needed less, but wanted more.

It's oh so sad, and such a waste
You wanted from my love to taste
I switched the bottles, served you hate
I was too early, you were too late

And now I watch your burning corpse
I have no guilt and no remorse
You thaught I'd love, you were so wrong
I kiss your lips, and sing a song

I reach my goals, I win, you lose
I clean the gun, untie the noose
I hide the poison, wash my hands
Your journey stopped, mine never ends.

Trei, sau povestea unui oarecare el

Trei femei, si el.
Tacere deplina
Noaptea-n bordel.
Trei femei...
Si el.

Trei gratii, si-un gratiat.
Nemiscare continua
La ele-n pat.
Trei gratii...
Si el.

Trei ingeri,si-un demon
Rescriu un prim
Trei ingeri...
Si el.

Trei nemoarte, si-un mort.
Un vas ce pleaca
Fara pasageri
Din port

Trei zeite, si-un muritor
Se pierd in multime
Se pierd in decor
Trei zeite...
Si el.


Si moare prima
Pierduta-i in abis
Si ia cu sine-n moarte
O parte din vis.
Doua... (si el)

Moare si-a doua
Sicriu-i sta deschis
Si fura si ea, inca putin
Inc-o parte din vis
Una...(cu el)

O muza, si-un artist
Perfecta constructie
In sensul cel mai simplist
O muza...
Si el.


Si uitandu-se in zare
Isi aminteste plangand
De-o muza oarecare
Aflata la el in gand

Moarta-i de mult si ea
Si visul spulberat
Si vasul ancorat...
Trei femei a adorat...

Trei arme, si-un nebun
Artist singuratic
Sarman lunatic
Trei arme... trei muze...
Trei gloante...
Si-un cadavru...

A fost el....trei.


Inot intr-o mare de foc, si ies ocazional la suprafata
In incercarea disperata de-a-mi umple plamanii cu apa
Vreau sa sting durerea, poate doar sa raman in viata
Dar vine el din nou, si iarasi in flacari ma-ngroapa.

Nu-l pot acuza o clipa, caci singura m-am aruncat in foc
Sperand sa-l gasesc acolo, purtand aceeasi cruce
Jucand la aceeasi masa, acelasi vechi joc de noroc
Dar el e-n marea-nghetata, si-o alta cruce duce.

As vrea sa-l dezghet, dar el m-ar stinge fara rusine
Si astfel ne-am ucide, vrand unul pe altul sa-nviem
Intre noi n-ar fi speranta, iar cuvinte - prea putine
Vom continua sa dansam separat, insa-n tandem.

Insa nu putem s-o facem, dorinta-i mult prea mare
Si trec prin el, si el prin mine, murim in ritm egal
Extreme invinciblie devin una pentru alta letale
Si ne pierdem unu-ntr-altul, in acelasi dans mortal.


Sunt un clarvazator orb
Un orator mut
Sunt ceea ce ti-ai dorit
Sunt ce n-am vrut.

Sunt o lumina stinsa
O raza fracturata
Sunt ceea ce m-ai facut
Ce n-am visat vreodata

Un premergator olog
Un calator pierdut
Sunt un cinic optimist
Un copil nenascut.

Sunt un calau fara maini
Un preot mincinos
O vaga urma de credinta
Sunt un sincer pacatos

Sunt puncte de suspenise
Poate-un semn de intrebare
Sunt un vers fara masura
O consoana-ntre vocale

Sunt ce esti, voi fi mereu
Atunci cand "tu" devine "eu"
Sunt moartea inca unui zeu,
Credinta pura de ateu.

Si te iubesc, si ma iubesti
Un gand mult prea murdar
Si ma iubesti, si te detest
Si-n necredinta iar dispar